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At Oriental Weavers, we take being one of Egypt’s largest corporations as a responsibility toward our community and society. We acknowledge the importance of creating meaningful and beneficial societal change through our corporate social responsibility agenda. Our CSR strategy looks at actioning Oriental Weavers’ development pillars through two foundations: Mohamed Farid Khamis for Development Foundation and Farid Khamis for Development Foundation.

Mohamed Farid Khamis for Development Foundation, founded in 2004, focuses on Learning and Development and has, since inception, managed and positively impacted thousands of beneficiaries through its programs.

The Farid Khamis for Development Foundation, founded in 2007, has over the years adopted youth and family empowerment and healthcare as its pillars for development and community outreach. With initiatives that are managed monthly and annually, the foundation continues to support hundreds of individuals and families.

Learning and Development, Youth Empowerment, Health and well-being and contributing to the betterment of underserved populations are the core development pillars of Oriental Weavers’ CSR strategy. Since its foundation, OW has engaged in multiple initiatives that continue to this day, building on the importance of true sustainable development and contribution.


CSR Programs

April 12. 2022

Breast Cancer Foundation:

Over the past eight years, Oriental Weavers has been committed to raising awareness and supporting women living with breast cancer while providing research that will ease the pain of women of all classes.

April 12. 2022

– One hundred top secondary certificate students

One of the most important programs sponsored by OW for nearly two decades and is under the management of Mohamed Farid Khamis for Development Foundation. The program revolves around the sponsorship of the top 100 students covering both their financial obligations (university fees, materials, equipment and monthly per diem), their social needs (healthcare, financial subsidies) and their development through mentoring and skills training. To date, OW has had a direct positive impact on 2400 graduates and is looking at furthering its commitment by developing a continuing program following their graduation.

April 12. 2022


This international non-profit organization brings together students, academics and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurship to improve the quality of life and standard of living of people in need. For over six years, OW has been a proud sponsor of the annual ENACTUS competition for community development projects across the globe.

April 12. 2022

Health and well-being

Oriental Weavers' CSR focus also takes into consideration the UN's SDGs with Health and Well-being presented as goal no. 3. Health and well-being are fundamental to a more productive society and significantly impact economic growth and development. Some initiatives the organization has been involved in:

April 12. 2022

Medical Equipment and General Support

The technology and equipment used in hospitals tend to be what needs the highest investment due to changing technologies, maintenance etc. OW, for years, has provided medical equipment and several kidney dialysis machines to hospitals and centres across Egypt, including Baheya, El Nas, El Orman, and Abu El Reesh Hospital. Additionally, OW has adopted speech delay and human development as part of its focus on health. The corporation established dedicated classes for children with speech delays and sponsors cases of children with disabilities.

April 12. 2022

Mobility Sponsorship

Annually, OW sponsors the transportation fees of 3,800 students facilitating their trips to and from university free of charge by buses allocated for this purpose and managed by Farid Khamis for Development Foundation.

April 12. 2022

Mohammed Farid Khamis Specialized Hospital

One of our founder Mohammed Khamis' many achievements and projects focused on giving back to our community; the Mohammed Farid Khamis Specialized Hospital in 10th of Ramadan is an integrated medical facility that offers around the clock care. OW allocates an annual budget towards the hospital and is currently sponsoring the complete renovation of the hospital that would allow for bigger patient capacity and pro bono cases.

May 15. 2022

Youth Empowerment through Learning and Development

Youth empowerment and learning and development go hand in hand in easing economic pressures and aid in contributing to an inclusive society built on unlocking the potential of generations to come. Some initiatives the organization has been involved in:  

April 12. 2022

On-site training programs

OW believes in learning through action, and as part of its more expansive learning and development agenda, students from different universities across Egypt are offered on-site training. The interactive training program is delivered over three weeks and takes trainees through OW's various departments, specialities, and facilities.

August 4. 2021


Part of Oriental Weavers' CSR strategy is the support of individuals in need. This is done either through contributions or in-kind support. In partnership with the Egyptian Clothing Bank, OW provided winter blankets and clothes for thousands of families in Sharkeya Governorate to help them during harsh weather conditions. With the daily wear and tear of prayer floors in mosques, OW has refurbished the majority of Egypt's Governorates with wall-to-wall carpets as in-kind support.