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Now Showing: Aldwych theatre’s debut!

6 July, 2021

Now Showing: Aldwych theatre’s debut!

The Aldwych Theatre is a grade 2 listed building in the heart of the theatre district of central London. It was designed by renowned theatre architect W.G.R Sprague and first opened its doors to the paying public in 1905. The Nederlander group, who own the property, recently restored the Aldwych back to its former glory as part of a multi-million pound restoration project which included new carpeting in all of the theatre’s grand public areas.

Oriental Weavers Hospitality worked sympathetically in its design and proudly manufactured the sumptuous carpets which can now be experienced in this striking theatre.

“Lynne translated these intricate design components into a visually stunning, and aesthetically pleasing result, using her many years of woven Axminster design experience and technical “craft” to produce these gorgeous works of art so that guests of the theatre can truly experience art underfoot.” – Gavin McDowell, Director of Global Design for Oriental Weavers Hospitality.

The Edwardian baroque décor is elegant and ornate in its period styling. Lynne McVey, one of OW Hospitality’s UK based global designers was asked to consider the ornamental styling seen throughout the interior mill and plasterwork of the property as design inspiration for the custom “Optiweave areas”.

Design Insider OW Hospitality Aldwych Foyer

“Our Hospitality division is a uniquely connected team of global “Axperts.” We design custom spaces collaboratively with many of the major Interior design houses and architectural firms around the world.” – Gavin McDowell, Director of Global Design for Oriental Weavers Hospitality.

OW Hospitality are a uniquely global design team with a sensitivity to the needs of each local custom project based on years of delicately cultivated relationships.

Design-Insider-Wilton Carpets Stairs

|Installation Company – CAPS|Photographer – Mark Sykes Photography|

Oriental Weavers Hospitality is part of the Oriental Weavers group, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of machine-made carpets and rugs, employing over 22,000 people worldwide and with manufacturing in three continents.